Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Outcome of my Project...

I hope that when people see my blogs and see my website they can feel sympathy if they already haven't. I want them to spread awareness of protecting our children with discapasibilities. I want them to act up when somebody is misjudging and or treaten bad one of this children. I want to make the un-educated understand the importance of equality. Lastly, I want them to be connected with my emotions trough reading my post. For them to understand how WE, the siblings of children with discapasibilities feel and go trough ALL the time; basically FOREVER!

By spreading awareness and educating people I know I can begin the change for a better life for all the children with DS. I know by doing so, they will gain confidence and face the world with courage and dignity.

I hope to touch hearts and make people join to start making a change...

1 comment:

  1. Your enthusiasm to make a difference in people's reception of children with DS warms my heart. I have a sister with DS, so I feel very touched by this.

    If you want to make even more of a difference, check out, and adoption ministry for children with DS and other special needs in Eastern Europe. The awareness given to them can literally save lives of these children, as they face institutionalization and death as they turn 5. They can always use fundraising help or even just prayers.
