Friday, April 1, 2011

Hi (:

OK, so for my blog I am planning on going out & about, about every single detail of having a sister with D.S. It's important for me to show you guys a little of what we go trough everyday with a sibling with D.S. It takes courage, love and lots of patience! So stay tune and bring on your tissue because I know I will touch deep withing your heart! There's a lot of people out there in the world who are going almost trought what I am going and they may relate to this. For those of you who don't you'll be in our shoes for a bit!


  1. Omqq stefany i loved this story it seems really cool and intresting i also like your profile. You pick a very awesome topic,you can see it on you that you're in to this so much because you have a sister.

  2. Aww, thanks Karla!
    And yes i am real into this topic like you said because of my little sister!
