Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Angels with Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome:

It's not a disease like HIV thats contagious, so why are people afraid of it? Why do people make fun of it? Why point fingers? Why just not smile?

All this toughts go trough my mind all the time. It hurts to see how kids in school make fun of kids with Down Syndrome. Yes their learning capacity is much slower than yours, but yet they are still human beins. It's just God decided to give them an extra 21 chromosome. While everybody has 46 chromosomes, children with DS have 47. Due to chromosome 21 having three instead of two.

I personally have a sister with DS. It's very hard being a teenager and having to raise a family member whom you care about, with DS. You have to have a lot of patience. You have to be caring and loving because thats what they want. To be loved and care for. To be accepted as any other human being. They don't understand that trought other peoples eye, they are different. They only see what they can see, them being normal.

I am asking you to start making a change. If you see somebody judging, ponting fingers, laughing about kids with DS tell them its not right, don't just laugh with them. Beleive it or not children with DS have feelings and do cry when people don't accept them. My sister has cry and it breaks my heart. It's in our power to stop this! It's in my hands and in yours!